sábado, 5 de agosto de 2023

The one in the mirror (Article for Positive Life magazine, Summer 2023 issue)

I would like to start by clarifying the terminology first.

Cambridge Dictionary definitions of “relationship”: 

- the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of connection /  - the way things are connected or work together.

Living is the constant expression of some 85 to 110 billion cells working together, cooperating with each other due to their innate interrelationship.

If you want to study life, you have to do it taking into account the "connection and synergy" factor between tissues. You can't learn much about life by studying a corpse, really. The whole person is made up of its components and the synergy between them.

To do this, nature has endowed our body with an innate master controller: the central nervous system -brain and spinal cord- which, together with the endocrine system, configure the communication network between all parts of the body.

Spinology is concerned with interferences due to vertebral misalignments, what we call “spinal occlusions”. If the body works in a coordinated and harmonious way, our potential to relate to others can also be better manifested. In other words, if we stay well, we can better express our abilities as human beings, among which is the gift of relating to others.

I am sure that if you are reading this magazine you would like a better world. Individually speaking, we can't do much, but together...

Spinologists are convinced that relationships between people can greatly help change. Start with the man/woman in your mirror. 

Enrique Borreda Lopez

 SPINOLOGY, WE WANT TO BREAK FREE  (Article in Positive Life magazine, Spring issue 2023)

At first sight, "spinology", seems to be just a spinal adjustment technique. What is not that known is that spinology is a philosophy of life as well. Spinology is committed to the correction of spinal occlusions so that the body is freed and the chemical balance restored for the full expression of physical, mental and emotional balance. But just as important is the facet of sharing a philosophy that allows people to think for themselves.

The following is an excerpt from Spinology, the book:

“Spinology is setting a very demanding standard for each of our lives. We are asking that each of us refuse to become victims of the programming of the past, or programming of the present or future. We ask that each individual allow himself or herself to keep the mind free in order to find the truth. Our purpose is to see truth and then to act on it. When we have each done that, we are going to find ourselves in a position of giving up a certain kind of freedom. People hold onto their old ideas because they are like a comfortable old pair of slippers. They are warm and fuzzy. Everyone wants the security of believing in something which is established and unchanging. But once we have discovered truth through philosophical inquiry, we are not free to slip back into muddled thinking or the ease of untested beliefs.

Just in case someone doesn't remember: “freedom is a state of mind; it is a philosophical concept reflecting an inalienable human right to realize one's human will”.

Enrique Borreda Lopez                                           
